Perinatal and Postpartum

Having a baby can be one of the most exciting milestones a woman can experience. However, the period leading up to giving birth and the first weeks after the baby is born can be the most vulnerable time in a woman’s life. The rapid physical, hormonal, and psychological changes that occur during this short period may sometimes prevent the mother from fully processing and embracing this phase. Women can feel overwhelmed and sleep-deprived, experience both happiness and sadness, feel intensely isolated and insecure, and oscillate between attachment and detachment from the baby or their loved ones, among other emotions. Above all, during this period, the capacity to form an emotional attachment with the new baby can be impaired. This can lead to doubts about one's ability to parent the baby. Some women experience excessive crying and worrying, while others may feel numb and withdrawn. Sleep deprivation can lead to difficulties in concentration and making day-to-day decisions. It's crucial for women to receive counseling during this phase. The more support a mother receives, the stronger the attachment she can develop with her child.